søndag den 20. maj 2012

Concert at Havnekulturfestivalen

Final details of my concert may 26th at Havnekulturfestivalen:

The concerten will take place in 
Kulturteknologihallen, it will start at 9 PM, and is free.

From 9 PM to approximately 10:20-10:30 the classic silent sci fi-movie "Himmelskibet" ("A Trip to Mars") will be shown, with a more or less improvised soundtrack by me and Jomi Massage.

Afterwards, that is around 10:25 PM, there will be a 30-40 minutes Giedo Primo-concert as a kind of encore.

Find Kulturteknologihallen on this map
Se the program for the entire festival here.

Also notice that on my
 soundcloud-profileboth new and older tracks are added now and then.

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