Side A:
Sad Little Monster
Den Fortabte Tid
Betäubt und Betörend
Infinity Machines of the Second Moon
Side B:
The Spell is Broken?
Yen-Tinh Sam-Set
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Empty Circles

Empty Circles catch Giedo Primos unique bleep skrot-music at its most straightforward and euphoric - like it's usually heard at the concerts. At times heavy and angular, at times circus-like silly, and often a bit of both, but always driven by a weird and absolutely unhinged sense of melody, in colorful contrast to the current trend of tastefully well-behaved electronica and minimal techno.
Side A:
Empty Circles
Side B:
Skrot Brothers
An Idle Celebration
Compilations and group projects
SKROT - The New Machine Sound of Odense

Compilation of skrot music from Odense. Giedo Primo appears with the track Mental Maze, as well as with the group projects Genespleizer and Organbox. Plenty of further details here.
Side A:
Genespleizer: Skrotstep Live
Strozqnu: Zap
Ekkoregimet: Ekkoskrot
Ras Bolding: Zombiesjæler
Bashcorpo: Friend of Death
Side B:
Papa Stein: UFO'er over Svendborg
Giedo Primo: Mental Maze
Commodore Combat Unit: Puck Man
Hr. Eide: Brain Rape
Organbox: Doctor Clown
Rare/obscure releases
Klub Golem 2006 - 2009
A compilation from the danish goth club Klub Golem, given away for free at its three year birthday party, and containing tracks from all artists that had played there until then. Includes the Giedo Primo track Robo Jojo.
Infinity Machines of the Second Moon - promo CD-R
An early CD-R promo version of Infinity Machines of the Second Moon. Only a small amount was made, and it's unknown where most of them are today. As it was made several years before the LP, the content is quite different. In addition to Tiefpunkt, The Spell is Broken?, Infinity Machines of the Second Moon and Yen-Tinh Sam-Set, the promo also contain the tracks Zone Machine, Little Children of the Sea, Gilgarmix, Ruiner and De Sorte Bjerge.

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