søndag den 20. maj 2012

Concert at Havnekulturfestivalen

Final details of my concert may 26th at Havnekulturfestivalen:

The concerten will take place in 
Kulturteknologihallen, it will start at 9 PM, and is free.

From 9 PM to approximately 10:20-10:30 the classic silent sci fi-movie "Himmelskibet" ("A Trip to Mars") will be shown, with a more or less improvised soundtrack by me and Jomi Massage.

Afterwards, that is around 10:25 PM, there will be a 30-40 minutes Giedo Primo-concert as a kind of encore.

Find Kulturteknologihallen on this map
Se the program for the entire festival here.

Also notice that on my
 soundcloud-profileboth new and older tracks are added now and then.

onsdag den 11. april 2012

Concert in may/ soundcloud profile

I'll be playing a concert saturday 26th of may at Havnekulturfestivallen in Odense. The concert will to some degreee be a kind of improvised soundtrack to the old silent sci fi-movie "A Trip to Mars". Noise rock musician Jomi Massage will also do parts of the sountrack, but the final form of the koncert, or the exact time is not yet determined, but I'll update here as soon as I know more.

Furthermore, I've also made a Giedo Primo-soundcloud-profile, where I'll hopefullt get a lot of music up soon. At this point, the two unreleased tracks Delikon Winter and Future Colours have been uploaded.